- Social Skills Worksheets
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- The Care Cube (Printable)
The Care Cube (Printable)
The Care Cube is a game crafted to help children learn empathy and compassion through play. This download features a foldable cube and 40 Scenario cards designed to engage children in thoughtful discussions about empathy and perspective-taking. 8 blank Scenario cards are included for customization and personalization.
Here’s how it works:
Players pick a Scenario card and roll the Care Cube to reveal how they should respond to the scenario.
Act: Roleplay how you might respond to the person in this situation. Act out what you would do or say! Remember to use your face, body movements, and voice to show the other person you care!
Wish: Make a wish for the character that could make their situation better. What could help them feel happier or safer? What kind of change would make a big difference for them?
Feel: Think of how this person could be feeling in this situation. Can you name two or three feelings they might be experiencing? Talk about the last time you felt similar feelings.
Share: Think of a time something similar happened to you or someone you know. Share about how you felt, what you did, and what you learned from it. If it happened to you, what do wish someone would have said or done for you?
Care: What can you do or say to this person to show that you care? How do you think the person in the situation would respond to your act or words of care?
Free: You can choose any of the other sides of the cube!
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Individual Sessions:
The client uses the result of the Care Cube to indicate how they would respond to the scenario. After reflecting and processing, the client takes another turn.
Group Sessions:
Option 1: When a Scenario card is drawn, all players take turns rolling the cube and sharing their responses to the same scenario one by one, fostering a discussion from multiple perspectives.
Option 2: Each player takes a turn drawing a new Scenario card, rolling the cube, and sharing their response.