- Anger Management Worksheets
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- Anger Blasters (Digital)
Anger Blasters (Digital)
The Anger Monsters are on the loose! Use positive coping skills to seek-and-destroy. Play collaboratively with your client as you both try to blast each other's anger monsters.
Anger Blasters opens and plays in Google Slides through a link on the PDF file. This link can be shared with your client to be able to play collaboratively within a session. For this game, each player should open their own copy in their browser. Learn more about using Google Slides resources here!
How to Play:
Each player starts by placing their anger monsters strategically on their Yellow Board with each monster taking up four squares.
Players take turns guessing the location of their opponent's Anger Monster by saying a letter/number combination. Along with this combination, the player must say a positive coping skill for anger since coping skills are the only things that can destroy anger monsters. For example, a guess would be, “C5, Talk to a friend.”
If a player's guess is correct, the opponent says "Blast" and moves the blast icon to the square that was hit. If a player's guess is incorrect, the opponent says "Miss", and no monster is hit. If a guess is made, but no coping skill is said, then that person loses a turn!
Each player keeps track of their guesses on the Green board by moving the corresponding squares.
Once all four parts of any of the anger monsters are hit, then that monster is destroyed. Make sure to tell your opponent which monster they took down! The first person to destroy all of the anger monsters is the winner!
How to Use:
The focus of Anger Blasters is to help clients learn to identify positive coping skills for anger through game play. Additional process questions are encouraged to be asked during gameplay to further exploration of effective coping skills. You can also adjust the rules to challenge clients to identify coping skills for other feelings such as anxiety, stress, or sadness.